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You Are Worthy of Love

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

Allow the magick to happen as synchronicity leads you in a new direction. There’s no such thing as a coincidence. Everything that is happening to you is no accident. Pay attention to all the details of your life, no matter how insignificant they appear to be.

The universe will show you the way. Whenever you are in need, someone or something shows up with an answer. Nothing happens by chance. Everything happens for a reason. Trust it! A soulmate isn't just a romantic relationship: a soul mate is a kindred spirit, a spiritual connection.

Our capacity to love each other depends on our ability to love ourselves. You can learn to trust again. Everything and everyone changes when we learn to embrace ourselves. It's not possible to be truly content until we do.

Forgive yourself. No matter what life has thrown your way, you are still a spark of divine love. Regardless of what people have said or what they have been told about you, that is just a reflection of what they see in themselves.

Have compassion for where you are and where you have come from. Redefine your relationship with yourself. Be kind to yourself, and see the beauty in who you actually are. Love is a journey that unfolds. Be mindful that you are doing your best on your current path.

Let go of all the bullshit and opinions of others. Love yourself unconditionally. You are worthy of love!


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