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Poetry Breathes Through You

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

Hope spurs us on to believe in ourselves. Gathering with people who have a common moral code is a powerful experience. Bonding with family, whether blood or not creates a shared consciousness. We acknowledge the fact that we have endured, survived, and thrived with the support of our chosen tribe. It’s important to be thankful to receive and express love.

Beware of the jealousy that comes from broken dreams and loss. Sometimes jealous people have a sense of entitlement attributed to familial expectations from poor peer guidance. As we mature we realise that some people are gifted with good fortune, and some are not.

The cure for envy is humility, acceptance, and forgiveness, even in the face of anger. Harnessing your energy into positive and creative momentum in your own life is the best elixir for the effects of jealousy. There are many opportunities to ecstatically commune with the divine.

Meditation, music, art, love, dancing, or sacred sexual experience can induce euphoric awareness. These states of consciousness give us access to a profound comprehension of everything. Fusing the spiritual being with a loving universal mind elevates the soul, to spaces between spaces, to places where stillness exists and poetry breathes through you.


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