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Integrity and Right Action

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

Too much self-control can make one seem rigid. Beware of those who are inclined to milk situations for pity but keep a broad mind. Try to exercise some tolerance and kindness.

Be considerate. Use wisdom and your strength of resolve. Be assertive but avoid self-righteousness to avoid being a bully. You have plenty of opportunity to develop your enterprise and reach your goals.

However, it’s important that you protect your intellectual property. Take charge and go where your enthusiasm leads you. What can you do to boost your self-esteem?

Take responsibility for your actions for we all reap what we saw. The planet has its own eco-system and dispenses long-lasting, irrevocable justice. We are guests on this Earth, not Master of It.

Justice will be done, so welcome it with the fire of creation. You can face the coming season with honesty, integrity, and right action.


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