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Hang in there

Updated: Aug 4, 2023

It’s time to slow down and smell the coffee. Maybe you have taken on too much and are forcing things to work, instead of going with the flow of the Universe. Breathe. Relax. When you are rushing around at full throttle it’s easy to get stressed, it hurts you.

If you truly want to create and accomplish things you have to have some playtime. Do something for yourself, go and have some fun! When you are feeling more yourself, you will be surprised how effortlessly life moves forward.

You are connected to Mother Earth and feel everything she does. You are being directly affected by energy from planetary shifts and vibrations. When the energy moves on a low frequency it’s possible to feel aches, pains, headaches, flu-like symptoms, depression, confusion, dizziness and even sadness. Energy shifts can take a toll on us.

This isn’t serious. You are just in tune with the planet. When Mother Earth is purging the old to make way for the new you are likely to feel it. Take extra special care of yourself at this time. Get some rest! Drink loads of water, eat healthily, get out in nature, and move your body as much as possible.

These symptoms are temporary. When it’s all over you will come back better than before. This too shall pass, so hang in there.


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