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Dance Practice

The Story

Stress is a silent killer — don't ignore it!

Yemaja, the founder of Find Your Zen UK, is a passionate, driven, and empathetic individual who deeply values self-care, personal growth, and holistic wellness. She has faced significant challenges in her personal life, including difficult relationships and moments of pain. Still, she has also shown resilience and a determination to channel these experiences into something positive.


Yemaja is a published poet & author, professional stress consultant, certified life coach, tarot reader and meditation teacher, specialising in zen transformation, specifically,  offering programs and courses designed to help individuals achieve balance, self-love, and professional success.


​Yemaja’s compassion and entrepreneurial spirit define her as someone who thrives on helping others achieve balance and success in their personal and professional lives. At her core, she is a healer, a guide, and an advocate for mindful living.

Be Aware

Pay Attention

Accept the Present Moment

Studies affirm mindfulness reduces anxiety and depression while potentially improving sleep, lowering blood pressure, and aiding pain management. Gardening, endorsed by the RHS, is a widely acknowledged source of relaxation, comfort, and mental health benefits.


Engaging in mindful activities has significantly enhanced Yema's well-being. Connecting with nature and fostering creativity have boosted her self-esteem, mental health, and overall quality of life.


Yema's mission is to champion wellness and guide individuals in harnessing the transformative power of creativity. Her vision extends to empowering others to combat stress and pursue personal development.


Find Your Zen with Yema and embark on a journey towards a more mindful and empowered life.


Having something alive to care for changes lives.

Gardens take people back to childhood!


Growing something takes you out of this world for a while. Some neighbourhoods have no access to land, ecosystems, community, or safety. Beauty is by design, and so is ugly!


We’ve been trained to value money, and diamonds, not humanity. We don’t value the resources around us, our water, our air, each other, or the soil. Life comes from the soil. It’s been proven by statistics that when you put in a green space the crime rates go down. 


Why isn’t gardening part of the curriculum? There is power in learning how to cultivate food. ​It’s worth doing. Building an ecosystem by accident has given Yema the knowledge she never had before.  


Everyone needs to know the things you can learn in the garden. We need this reverence and respect for Mother Nature for our health and wellness.


Homegrown organic botanicals for soap making, wax melts and other crafting projects coming soon!

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